
Messenger - Galen Crew

水塔推荐之:   那些温柔的男声    8


演唱者:Galen Crew

出自专辑:发行于2012年的《Better Than a Fairy Tale》

       行云流水般欢快的钢琴伴奏、架子鼓的节奏、Galen crew的嗓音听起来怎么就这么舒服呢,不刻意营造歌曲的意境却让听者能感受到他对音乐的态度,这种态度来自对音乐的喜欢和对音乐的理解吧。另外再插一句(封面真棒)。

(Galen crew 1990年7月11日生于美国新泽西州的大洋城。他从小就表现出对音乐的兴趣。在痴迷吉他之前曾学过单簧管、钢琴和架子鼓。随着吉他功力的提高,他对于作曲的热情也与日俱增。从高中到大学,他的音乐能力一直很突出,并赢得了许多奖项。他加入过流行、重摇滚、福音乐队。在19岁时,Galen开始尝试做一个独唱艺人,并很快发现他拥有以前不觉得自己能拥有的嗓音。他的作曲能力、声乐技巧和乐器演奏能力得到纳什维尔制作人Mark Heimermann和传奇作曲人Roger Cook(曾写过“I’d Like to Teach the World to Sing”, “Long Cool Woman in Black Dress”, “Talking in Your Sleep”)的注意。他们三人一起组成一个独特的声音组合,这正是Galen梦寐以求的。————此段资料来源麦田音乐网)

I’m a messenger and I travel light

Give me somewhere I can sleep tonight

Through the wind and the rain and the dark I ride

What I carry’s worth more than my life

I want you to hear the message I’ve got

Whether I am the messenger or not

Open the pages

Servants and sages

I’m the messenger

I’m just the messenger

One proclamation

To every nation

I’m the messenger

I’m just the messenger

I got a letter written by the royal king

Rejoice my friends good news I bring

These words are gonna set the captives free

If in your hearts you just believe

I want you to hear the message I’ve got

Whether I am the messenger or not

Open the pages

Servants and sages

I’m the messenger

I’m just the messenger

One proclamation

To every nation

I’m the messenger

I’m just the messenger

I’m on a journey to a distant land

I hold the key to freedom in my hand

I pray the angels come and light my path

Open the pages

Servants and sages

I’m the messenger

I’m just the messenger

One proclamation

To every nation

I’m the messenger

I’m just the messenger

Oh, will you hear me

I’ll say it clearly

I’m the messenger

I’m just the messenger

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