
Vendredi - Tamas Wells


来自暖男Tamas Wells,第一次听他的歌是《Valder Fields》这也是他最知名的一首歌,Tamas Wells的嗓音清新温暖,不急不躁的演唱也是他的特色,木吉他流淌出的平静和钢琴的安定感,在平淡的轻声呤唱中把阳光洒到心底去......

good night "晚安"

i will be waiting at quarter to five

Under the Rue de Rousseau

i will be waiting keep autumn in mind

you can be free from below

It wasn't right that I still managed to call

Even by your Vendredi and

It wasn't right that I no manners to call

Even by your Vendredi


i will be waiting at quarter to five

you can be seen from the road

i will be waiting to have a show

hope that you remain below

It wasn't right that I still managed to call

Even by your Vendredi and

It wasn't right that I no manners to call

Even by your Vendredi


coz we will bring them there

coz we will bring them there

coz we will bring them there

coz we will bring them there

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