
Two Towers - In Gowan Ring


来自In Gowan Ring的专辑《Hazel Steps Through a Weathered Home》--《Two Towers》。他来自美国加州的新民谣团体,这首歌没有多余的乐器,唯有干净通透的钢琴声伴着In Gowan Ring深情的低吟浅唱。 他的作品总是那么纯净,演唱的时候也没有身嘶力竭的呐喊,他的声音里有“落寞”、“孤单”以及“淡淡的忧郁”,像雨过天晴后暴涨的河流却仍然静静流淌,从树林从草间流下的雨水,没有带来泥土的浑浊,于是河流依旧干净清澈,只是水的温度多了一些寒意,来自云上。   晚安。

Wind away the hours

laid up to the sun

hide behind two towers

when all the world's work is done

set a life upon the way to bide

all that bodies become

left alone along the lay to bind

all the mind has shunned

Gather up the flowers

born up from the womb

hasten lest they sour

a deed brought to the tomb

catch the longing dream that time beguiles

from cradle to the bone

lonely limbs just limp in life awhile

to touch the weathered home

Careless as a willow

constant as an oak

ages churn and wallow

through hands pass as they grope

past and future splayed astride

the hollow heaving chest

gnarled hands curve to inscribe

the fading notion useless

Heedless shall we swallow

our riddles never spoke

with the merit of no answer

to meliorate the joke

wind away the hours

laid up to the sun

hide behind Two Towers

when all the world's work is done

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