
Elements - A Fine Frenzy


喜欢音乐,是因为可以代表我们人类的种种心情: 或高兴或难过......   之前偶尔失眠的时候就会一直单曲循环这首歌,A Fine Frenzy的声音深夜里听着会有种难以言说的不真实感。   晚安曲推荐过很多了,希望这首会给你不同的感受(我越失眠听这首越是睡不着= =)  习惯听到喜欢的歌就会一直听,可以翻来覆去听好几年,但是手机存的歌却不多,心里可能在想,要给新歌留些位置(虽然现在的手机早已不惧内存的不足),好吧,胡乱说了那么多,还是希望大家会喜欢这首歌,耐心点,多听几次。   晚安    ~!

you show up like a hurricane,

all hungry-eyed and weather-stained

the clock forgets to tick and i the same

I died the day you disappeared,

so why would you be welcome here?

Ride the wind that brought you back away

no you can't come in

no you can't come in

i cannot stop my rebel hands

from pulling out the pots and pans

i left you in the cold until you shook

you're gentle now, but i recall

both tender fire and bitter squall

a history so deep it hurts to look

no you can't come in

no you can't come in

no you can't

you can't come in

if the sea should swallow up my house

I will turn my rooftop inside out

and the wind will be wailing

But I will be sailing faster

Oh the elements I do not fear

but I fall apart when you appear

Cos you are the greatest

The greatest disaster

if the sea should swallow up my house

I will turn my rooftop inside out

and the wind will be wailing

But I will be sailing faster

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