
If I'm - Sea Oleena

又是呢喃般轻语似的唱腔,在氛围感十足的背景音乐里形成一个空灵的世界。像漂浮在白色的云朵又像躺在夜晚的沙滩抬头可以看见璀璨的星河。  闭着眼睛听完整首歌(这歌不短,有5分11秒),在忽远忽近般吟唱声下沉沉睡去吧。



Gabriel - Markéta Irglová 

Behold a bed of golden sand, 

Upon it lies a sea of empty shells, 

The dream of life on earth dissolving fast, 

Like a world painted in aquarelles. 

Yet in this a time there’s no room for despair, for

There’s more to this than what meets the eye. 

Dispute no more over right and wrong, for

The song of hope is but a single cry. 

A prayer for the right to be loved, 

Despite all our prior sins, 

No one shall cast a stone now, for

If the song is dead, nobody wins. 


You call me Gabriel, 

I’m a rider on a white horse. 

The tide is rising now, 

Make haste and set your course. 

Don’t wait for the break of dawn, for

The sun isn’t gonna rise today, but

Don’t worry, all is well, 

In its place the moon will light the way. 

And from the morrow till the end of time, 

Both the sun and moon alike will reign, 

It is by the hand of man, not the will of God, 

That any lamb was ever slain. 

But for the love of life and a life of love, 

Let there be no blood shed tonight. 

The only way to win this coming trial, 

Is to yield your arms, and put up no fight. 

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