
Give It Back - Gaelle

关键词:   沙发音乐   微醺迷离

这首歌来自Gaelle的首张专辑《Transient》。 作为沙发音乐的一种,《Transient》非常称职的将取悦身体、取悦精神放在了第一位。专辑以一种R&B的姿态,表现Deep House的柔缓,节奏迷人曼妙,令情绪不再沉闷或疲惫,却也没有急躁和烦乱的不适。编曲可谓异常精细,每一个细节都是放松神经的好办法,在多变与细腻中保证惊喜持续,让身体每一个毛孔都深深呼吸。整张专辑散发着令人筋骨舒软的迷幻气息,摇摆闪烁的键盘使人从头晕目眩中得到不断的快感。颇具新意的特效处理,以独特的韵律敲打神经,获得难以言喻的愉悦。



Give it back

You hijacked my mind so

I'm falling in circles

Can't catch my fall so

I need you to be close 'cause

Where you go I'll follow

So give it back

In my bed

Sleeping not

I cannot explain what's in my head

Longing for

an empty thought

But I seem to think of you instead

You blew my mind away

And I can't let you go

Took it and ran away

Just had to let you know

Just dropped a line to say

that I lost all control

You blew my mind away


In my head

And in my heart

I cannot complain, no one competes

Longing for this pase to stop

Never been the same since you

loved me

You blew my mind away

Now that I'm torn apart

Took it and ran away

Is when you come for my heart

There's nothing left to say

And I don't know where to start

Give back my thoughts to me


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