
Stargazer - Paloma Faith

来自“爬楼妈”Paloma Faith的《stargazer》——观星者。   

生于伦敦的Paloma Faith有着一半的纯正英国血统与一半的西班牙血统。作为一名前魔术师的助手,受过当代舞蹈的训练,伦敦圣马丁学院戏剧硕士毕业生,杂技节目和舞蹈俱乐部的表演者,一名演员,Paloma通过她成年后的生活将不同的艺术形式融于自身。Paloma在几年前开始尝试唱歌,最先开始模仿自己欣赏的蓝调和灵魂音乐歌手,并最终找到属于自己的声音。

He was a star collector, she knew all about the stars.

He was a tightrope walker while she was the talk of the town.

While he was in the clouds he's show her the signs and he know what they mean.

Twinkle twinkle little dream.

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