
Graveyard - Lucy Schwartz


“蓝调”是这首歌的关键词。但又有“爵士”的元素穿插其中。慵懒的声音、迷离的声线,像夏日的黄昏漫步在微风吹来的堤岸 ——舒服。 Blues 音乐中主唱是焦点,但是乐器的即兴演奏也是非常精彩的。乐器演奏者可以超越和弦的界限随意发挥,旋律忧郁动听。这首歌的伴奏是一大亮点,带着迷幻的味道。 


 爵士蓝调 (Jazz Blues) :爵士蓝调有着坚实的蓝调根基,但又吸收了富变化而又稍快的爵士音乐。这类音乐家们通常把爵士乐的即兴演奏特点掺进了经典的蓝调音乐三和弦结构。爵士蓝调包括从钢琴师 Mose Allison 以爵士为主的作品,到吉它手 Lonnie Johnson 的扎实的蓝调,还有 Ray Charles 的激情荡漾而又博采百风的钢琴蓝调。

Don’t wait up

I’ll be walking through the graveyard

And I’m hardly aliveIf I try to survive with just a paper heart

And you know you’re not there

When the wind in your hair goes right through you

And you know that you’re gone

When the sound of a song cannot soothe you

And it’s a difficult burden to bear

When you’re not quite there

Call my name

Maybe if I hear it I’ll remember

Cause I’ve forgotten my past

I am only a mask, just a pretender

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