
Life Is Beautiful - Vega4

水塔推荐之: 那些温柔的男声 17

歌曲名:Life Is Beautiful


专辑:发行于2006年的《You and Others》

       就行乐队主唱John McDaid所说的:“我们的音乐是难以描述的,唱片中蕴含了太多元素和影响”。

我也不能很确定的把这首音乐归类为“独立摇滚”或者“英伦风”又或是“抒情摇滚”,因为几乎上述的这些风格的影子在这首歌里都可以找到。能确定的是:   这首歌听起来舒服、演唱清新。

来自英国伦敦的Vega4,由来自爱尔兰的主唱John McDaid,贝斯Gavin Fox,加拿大的鼓手Bryan McLellan和新西兰的吉他手Bruce Gainsford。四人在伦敦生活时通过共同的朋友介绍而结识,组建乐队也是因为大家都有共同的音乐爱好,来自五湖四海自然各自受到的音乐影响各异。

Life is beautiful

We live until we die

When you run into my arms

We steal a perfect moment.

Let the monsters see you smile

Let them see you smilling

Do I hold you too tightly?

When will the hurt kick in?

Life is beautiful

but it's complicated.

We barely make it.

We don't need to understand

There are miracles, miracles.

Yeah, life is beautiful.

Our hearts, they beat and break.

When you run away from harm

Will you run back into my arms,

Like you did when you were young?

Will you come back to me?

I will hold you tightly

When the hurting kicks in.

Life is beautiful

but it's complicated,

we barely make it.

We don't need to understand

There are miracles, miracles.

Stand where you are.

We let all these moments pass us by.

It's amazing where I'm standing,

There's a lot that we can give.

This is ours just for the moment,

There's a lot that we can give

It's amazing where I'm standing,

There's a lot that we can give.

This is ours just for the moment,

There's a lot that we can give

热度 ( 117 )

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