
Blueprint - Bright Light Bright Light、Sunday Girl


Bright Light Bright Light和Sunday Girl的温暖合唱,在安静的夜里听到真好。   钢琴声让我看到星空下飞行着的航班,从这个城市到另一个城市。夜空下沉睡着的人们啊,梦境里的星空会不会更璀璨些呢?

It’s not that I resent that you found someone

It’s just I feel a bit sad that I did but couldn’t hold on

And when doors close

And windows close

And then night closes in

It’s just a bit too much time

For thinking

So make up your mind

Either you stay in touch

Or take off your hand completely

We don’t need to be polite

But it’s that song that you were singing

As you left

That keeps going around in my head

Oh you love this

The thought of me still holding on

Well it isn’t out of longing

Just from fear of being forgotten

So don’t make me someone needy

And say it isn’t working for you

When it’s you who made the blueprint

When it’s all by your design

And if we fall apart

At the same time

And I come undone at the same lines

It doesn’t mean that I’m falling in love

I never have

I never will


And if we fall apart

At the same time

And I come undone at the same lines

It doesn’t mean that I’m falling in love

I never will

And if we fall apart

At the same time

And I come undone at the same lines

It doesn’t mean that I’m falling in love


I never have, I never will

热度 ( 269 )

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