
Possessionless - Delta Goodrem

这首歌出自Delta Goodrem的《nnocent Eyes》---“纯真眼眸I”专辑中的作品。   这张专辑她独自或者与人合作谱写出几近所有的曲子,“每首歌都抓住了一段别具深刻意义的回忆”Delta解释道。“企图创造出一张能反映我生命中这段时光的专辑。Delta用她真实天份的坚定嗓音唱出这首Possessionless。节奏感十足和优质嗓音配合默契,对音乐细节的处理是这首歌带给我的惊喜。

All the things that I have collected

Stones and shells

Every word in every book upon my shelves

Only form a brief description of myself

But they don't define who I am

I don't think anything can, No

If I stripped away the non-ecessities

All the damage, all the mess surrounding me

I don't crave what I have not

I don't need more than I've got

Its just me that I offer up

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